Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How working in DC and having friends in the Military Confirmed myEngagement to Ariel...

Ok, so working here in DC has taught me a few things - how to behave in a professional enviroment, how people interact with each other in the nations capital ect...

But one thing I didn't expect to find was an affirmation of my engagement.

My supervisor, a very nice young woman who has a work ethic that rivals the arch-angel Michael, is someone I see in the office everyday. She is here at 7:45 in the morning and frequently leaves after 7pm and sometimes later (11pm!) What this has done is cramp her social life - seriously cramped. Furthermore, it has prevented her from finding a suitable mate. While she is still only 24, I can't see her schedule changing such that this would change.

Since, then, this is the lifestyle I am looking at, I would, too, be impeded when it comes to finding a mate. Why is this an issue? I, as a vibrant, healthy male, desires companionship just as much as the next fellow (translation not needed). What I'm getting at is the fact that if I were to pass up a chance on Marrying Ariel, I may not find the opportunity to find anyone for several years - maybe never! (My backing of this comes from the many individuals in my organization who have attainted their mid-30s without marrying).

Since my plans also involve the military (where suitable women are few and far in between) my prospects would be even bleaker.

Therefore, I do declare my confidence henceforth of my engagement to Ariel.

276 days!

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