Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Do you know what gets me going?
The left – the stupid, insignificant, inconsistent left.
More specifically, their stance on the new health care bill – lets have it! Why?
Watch this video submitted to the DNC in the Healthcare video contest (it’s a finalist):


That’s right, not only do you see a defaced flag (another reason my blood boils), but written at several points in the video is the word “Life”. That’s right! Now the left decides they want to be the champions of life. But there’s something that the driveling imbecile who made this video doesn’t understand is that the very people he’s encouraging to vote for this bill with words such as “life”, are the people who are trying to put abortion in the healthcare bill (we’ll leave the public option alone for today).
This kind of inconsistency that the left thinks they can get away with is absolutely abhorrent. One day, they can be at an abortion rally with the likes of the self-proclaimed “Abortion Addict” Irene Vilar and the next make a video defacing a flag with words like “life”.
This is no isolated incident – the left’s entire basis for existence is based on logical inconsistencies. And the lies that have been propagated by the leftist academia for 40 years have allowed a nation of young people to be duped into accepting the kind of insane, pick and choose, inconsistent, illogical, mindless, thoughtless, slobbering love affair with the policies of the left.
The left be damned.

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