Monday, November 9, 2009


It was pretty cool to be able to watch the Health Care bill get passed. I was present for the Stupac Amendment getting passed.

I'm sure you've already been inundated by analysis on the Heath care bill, so I'm not going to give you more of it.

Instead, I'm going to talk quickly about what happens in the House. And who does it.

When it came to the discussion on this bill (because I can't speak to all the others), the Democratic arguments were all rhetoric - there was no substance. Instead of presenting the room with logic and numbers, all they did was talk about how what they're doing is supposedly in the will of the American people.

You're probably guessing that I'm going to tell you how the Republicans didn't have the same problem - and you'd be right. They didn't, all I heard coming from them (including the brilliant speech given by Senator John Boehner), were numbers and logic.

Furthermore, the room was consistently out of order. But guess who was at fault? The Dems. They were out of their seats, they were talking and just generally not paying attention. The Speaker (not Nancy - she had a sit in), was constantly calling the room to order - and every time he said something, he was looking left. Worst of all, the person who was doing it most was Ms. Pelosi. You'd think the 3rd most powerful person in the Nation (and possibly the world) would have some sort of respect for the rules. Especially after the hell she tried to bring down on Joe Wilson.

Oh well, what else are you going to do with that sort of entitlement mentality.

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