Sunday, September 6, 2009



That's what the Obama Health-Care reform bill has been!

A smooth, linear sequence of events have lead to the utter disaster that is the Obama Health-Care Bill.

Number 1: August Recess.

Even though Pelosi, Reid and Obama had the chance to push the bill through this summer, but they decided to wait till after the August Recess. This is also an excellent example of the weakness on the part of the Dems - by allowing themselves to be bullied by the Republican Minority (don't get me wrong, I'm glad it happened), the Congressional Dems made their biggest mistake - taking a break.

Number 2: Town-Hall Meetings.

What better way to get your point across but to take it to the people. The Town Hall meetings have turned into nothing but a pathetic defeat for the Dems. Instead of the masses turning out to listen to their representatives pontificate on the need for health-care reform, all they got was mass hysteria - yelling, protests, people carrying guns (heck yes!). To add to all of this, not all Dems are holding these. Why? They're scared.

Number 3: Public School address.

While this has nothing to do with health-care, it still provided for a massive distraction.

Obama got the idea in his head that he would address all the good boys and girls going back to school on their first day of class. This is a wonderful idea! G.H.W. Bush did and so did our Beloved (Reagan). But what Obama is trying to do is something completely different - he's trying to make good little Comrades out of the children. That's right, after listening to a rousing, pre-recorded speech on doing your homework and staying awake in class, the students get to write down what they thought of the address as well as (and he's the kicker) how they can help President Obama in his quest to make the country a better place. This is one goose-step instructional video away from turning Carl and Jimmy into Karl and Yuri. This was so poorly received that several states are now refusing to broadcast the video - not to mention the scores of parents that plan to keep their kids home that day.

Number 4: The Green Jobs Czar.

Mr. Van Jones serves as a wonderful example of the kind of Racist, radical left people that Obama wanted in his cabinet. You see, Jones wasn't just a racist - claiming that the white man was intentionally polluting colored neighborhoods - he also signed a petition to get the G.W. Bush impeached for his alleged role in 9/11 (excuse me, but if you want talk about taking advantage of crisis', google Rahm Emanuel). If that's not enough for you, then mentioning his claims that Republicans were "A**-Holes" and that President Bush is a "Crack-head" won't convince you either.

The Capstone: Obama's absenteeism,

So what could the Dems do to keep themselves together? Put forth a unified front that would enable them to get a strong message out to the American People. But who could do such a thing? Look, in the sky - it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's Barak "Second Coming" Obama! Oh wait, not it's just a plane. That's right, throughout all of this, the Savior has been missing - he's on vacation. How unfortunate. But thank goodness for his smooth talking VP to fill in for him...sorry, I can't say that with a straight face.

The fact that Obama has been absent has made this whole thing worse. Love him or hate him (hate him), he's done an excellent job at communicating what he wants. The sad part for him is, he's not communicating right now. So instead you have Larry (Biden), Moe (Reid) and Curly (Pelosi) giving the nation mixed messages.

Of course, some of you are going to say "you're entire argument is based on the presupposition that progress on the healthcare bill is slowed and that national favor has turned against it".

To answer this, I'll leave you with the words of Blanche Lincoln, a democratic Senate Candidate. After her support of the healthcare bill all summer, Lincoln says "I'm not going to vote for a bill that's not deficit-neutral, and I'm not going to vote for a bill that doesn't do something about curbing the cost in the out years, because it would be pointless ... I would not support a solely government-funded public option. We can't afford that,".

Thank you and Goodnight.

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