Tuesday, September 8, 2009


As is my duty, I will now pontificate on a certain subject that needs to be talked about. This, my calling, will be, as is my norm, carried out with talent...on loan...from God.

Unemployment hit a 26 year high this last week with it's new number of 9.7%. This is sad, because it means that one in ten of our American brethren are out of work.
So, in true form, our conservative political pundits (i.e. Sean Hannity and the like) immediately started blasting the Obama administration and their stimulus efforts, using these new numbers as wonderful examples of why this stimulus package will never work.

Fear not, for come bearing clarity and an antidote for ignorance.

Take a look at the chart from Argus Research (don't panic). As you can see, employment clearly lags behind economic recovery. This is something that every entry level economics student is taught on his or her first day of class. But because Sean Hannity seemingly didn't graduate high school, he would tell you otherwise.

While the economy isn't getting any better one year after the major collapse cost millions of Americans their livelihood and John McCain a presidency, there is hope. Unfortunately it does not come in the form of Barak Obama. It will come from millions of Americans continuing to work hard, saving more money which in turn will make more money available for investment, people getting their credit under control, and the firing of every U.S. Senator and Congressman.

Ok that was a bit much.

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