Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Speech to Students.

In Obama’s recent address to the students of America, he did nothing but plead with them to work hard, stay focused and not let others down. Furthermore, he continued on to tell students that they are without excuse when it comes to dropping out.
“And that's what I want to focus on today: the responsibility each of you has for your education. I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself.”
Obama then went on to discuss the responsibility each student had to his/her country.
All in all…a fabulous call to students. In fact, I would have to say that Obama did an excellent job at extolling conservative values! What more could we ask for?
So after his good report card on the speech, there is something I want us to remember – it wasn’t the fact that Obama was talking to students, it was the fact that had the department of education send along curriculum asking students to “help Obama”.

This raises two issues – the first one I brought up in the last post. It’s not his place to talk to the Children about how they can help one of the most highly politicized Presidents in this nation’s history. That’s just not right. Exhort them for good grades – go for it. Ask them to help support you – not cool.
The second is with the department of education. While the curriculum they sent out was small and may seem mundane, it could mean big things for education. The fact that the federal government sent out a curriculum to our schools is outrageous. This is a simple step forward – before you know it, it’ll be all that’s taught in school. That’s right, nothing but the Federal Governments idea of education which will be tailored to the current administrations idea of history, science, economics and government.

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