Monday, November 9, 2009


It was pretty cool to be able to watch the Health Care bill get passed. I was present for the Stupac Amendment getting passed.

I'm sure you've already been inundated by analysis on the Heath care bill, so I'm not going to give you more of it.

Instead, I'm going to talk quickly about what happens in the House. And who does it.

When it came to the discussion on this bill (because I can't speak to all the others), the Democratic arguments were all rhetoric - there was no substance. Instead of presenting the room with logic and numbers, all they did was talk about how what they're doing is supposedly in the will of the American people.

You're probably guessing that I'm going to tell you how the Republicans didn't have the same problem - and you'd be right. They didn't, all I heard coming from them (including the brilliant speech given by Senator John Boehner), were numbers and logic.

Furthermore, the room was consistently out of order. But guess who was at fault? The Dems. They were out of their seats, they were talking and just generally not paying attention. The Speaker (not Nancy - she had a sit in), was constantly calling the room to order - and every time he said something, he was looking left. Worst of all, the person who was doing it most was Ms. Pelosi. You'd think the 3rd most powerful person in the Nation (and possibly the world) would have some sort of respect for the rules. Especially after the hell she tried to bring down on Joe Wilson.

Oh well, what else are you going to do with that sort of entitlement mentality.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Do you know what gets me going?
The left – the stupid, insignificant, inconsistent left.
More specifically, their stance on the new health care bill – lets have it! Why?
Watch this video submitted to the DNC in the Healthcare video contest (it’s a finalist):

That’s right, not only do you see a defaced flag (another reason my blood boils), but written at several points in the video is the word “Life”. That’s right! Now the left decides they want to be the champions of life. But there’s something that the driveling imbecile who made this video doesn’t understand is that the very people he’s encouraging to vote for this bill with words such as “life”, are the people who are trying to put abortion in the healthcare bill (we’ll leave the public option alone for today).
This kind of inconsistency that the left thinks they can get away with is absolutely abhorrent. One day, they can be at an abortion rally with the likes of the self-proclaimed “Abortion Addict” Irene Vilar and the next make a video defacing a flag with words like “life”.
This is no isolated incident – the left’s entire basis for existence is based on logical inconsistencies. And the lies that have been propagated by the leftist academia for 40 years have allowed a nation of young people to be duped into accepting the kind of insane, pick and choose, inconsistent, illogical, mindless, thoughtless, slobbering love affair with the policies of the left.
The left be damned.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How working in DC and having friends in the Military Confirmed myEngagement to Ariel...

Ok, so working here in DC has taught me a few things - how to behave in a professional enviroment, how people interact with each other in the nations capital ect...

But one thing I didn't expect to find was an affirmation of my engagement.

My supervisor, a very nice young woman who has a work ethic that rivals the arch-angel Michael, is someone I see in the office everyday. She is here at 7:45 in the morning and frequently leaves after 7pm and sometimes later (11pm!) What this has done is cramp her social life - seriously cramped. Furthermore, it has prevented her from finding a suitable mate. While she is still only 24, I can't see her schedule changing such that this would change.

Since, then, this is the lifestyle I am looking at, I would, too, be impeded when it comes to finding a mate. Why is this an issue? I, as a vibrant, healthy male, desires companionship just as much as the next fellow (translation not needed). What I'm getting at is the fact that if I were to pass up a chance on Marrying Ariel, I may not find the opportunity to find anyone for several years - maybe never! (My backing of this comes from the many individuals in my organization who have attainted their mid-30s without marrying).

Since my plans also involve the military (where suitable women are few and far in between) my prospects would be even bleaker.

Therefore, I do declare my confidence henceforth of my engagement to Ariel.

276 days!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Yes! I can finally be proud of the Senator my parents elected!

Yesterday, Senator Olympia Snow decided to withdraw her support of the Baucaus Bill in its current form. This means the bill will be going foward without a single Republican behind it.

This totally throws everything Barak Obama has been talking about right out the window - instead of this comprehensive, bi-partisan bill, he got a disaster. He can't even get his own party to get behind this new Baucus bill. Because of the lack of public option, there are some 12 Senators who won't even look at the bill.

Everyone who's reading this (all 5 of you...who probably don't read it regularly) should call Snowe and tell her how happy you and congratulate her on becoming a real Republican.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Really? In all honesty?

Google, the world’s largest Internet search engine – has become a house hold name. Need to find something out? Google it (yes, it’s become a verb). Can’t figure out how to spell something? Google it. It’s quickly becoming everything we need – maps, shopping, news, and now even a cell phone.
Google has also taken a shot at being relevant on a day to day basis on their home page. Regularly, Google will commemorate happenings, events and the like by slightly changing their logo (the Google Facade) in a way that makes it evident that they are remembering the date. These include Valentine’s day, Earth Day, Dr. Seuss’ birthday, and, yes, Michael Jackson’s Birthday.
But here, on the anniversary of the worst day in American History, Google’s facade remains silent as to the happenings of the day.
Why is this? Is it because Google has ZERO respect for the national that allowed them to drag in revenues of $5.37 billion in just one quarter of last year?
According to a USA TODAY campaign finance analysis, Google employees gave 98% of their campaign contributions last year to Democratic Candidates. I’ll let you do the math as to the company’s political orientation.
What does this mean? I’m not going to tell you what to do – but I’m going to be using Bing from now on.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


As is my duty, I will now pontificate on a certain subject that needs to be talked about. This, my calling, will be, as is my norm, carried out with talent...on loan...from God.

Unemployment hit a 26 year high this last week with it's new number of 9.7%. This is sad, because it means that one in ten of our American brethren are out of work.
So, in true form, our conservative political pundits (i.e. Sean Hannity and the like) immediately started blasting the Obama administration and their stimulus efforts, using these new numbers as wonderful examples of why this stimulus package will never work.

Fear not, for come bearing clarity and an antidote for ignorance.

Take a look at the chart from Argus Research (don't panic). As you can see, employment clearly lags behind economic recovery. This is something that every entry level economics student is taught on his or her first day of class. But because Sean Hannity seemingly didn't graduate high school, he would tell you otherwise.

While the economy isn't getting any better one year after the major collapse cost millions of Americans their livelihood and John McCain a presidency, there is hope. Unfortunately it does not come in the form of Barak Obama. It will come from millions of Americans continuing to work hard, saving more money which in turn will make more money available for investment, people getting their credit under control, and the firing of every U.S. Senator and Congressman.

Ok that was a bit much.

Speech to Students.

In Obama’s recent address to the students of America, he did nothing but plead with them to work hard, stay focused and not let others down. Furthermore, he continued on to tell students that they are without excuse when it comes to dropping out.
“And that's what I want to focus on today: the responsibility each of you has for your education. I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself.”
Obama then went on to discuss the responsibility each student had to his/her country.
All in all…a fabulous call to students. In fact, I would have to say that Obama did an excellent job at extolling conservative values! What more could we ask for?
So after his good report card on the speech, there is something I want us to remember – it wasn’t the fact that Obama was talking to students, it was the fact that had the department of education send along curriculum asking students to “help Obama”.

This raises two issues – the first one I brought up in the last post. It’s not his place to talk to the Children about how they can help one of the most highly politicized Presidents in this nation’s history. That’s just not right. Exhort them for good grades – go for it. Ask them to help support you – not cool.
The second is with the department of education. While the curriculum they sent out was small and may seem mundane, it could mean big things for education. The fact that the federal government sent out a curriculum to our schools is outrageous. This is a simple step forward – before you know it, it’ll be all that’s taught in school. That’s right, nothing but the Federal Governments idea of education which will be tailored to the current administrations idea of history, science, economics and government.